
Read a little about our product below. If you're interested in trying it out (with no obligation), Sign up!

We've developed an iPhone/Android app that facilitates museum audio tours. Our system removes the burden of purchasing proprietary audio hardware. Instead, guests use their own phones to take tours.

There is NO COST to the museum for the app, or for creating tours. The museum only needs to provide the tour content. You can provide your own audio recordings, or use our text-to-speech technology to turn your textual content into audio narration. You can create the tour yourself, through our web application, or the staff at Ready Docent would be happy to create it for you (at no charge). You don't need any technical know-how; you only need knowledge about your museum.

Our system is ready. You could have your own audio tour in days.

Here's roughly how it works:

This is a great way to enhance the guest experience with NO COST to the museum. And a little extra revenue for the museum doesn't hurt either! To keep this a viable business, we have a shared revenue business model; periodically, the museum would pay Ready Docent a portion of the proceeds. For museums that prefer not to charge their visitors for the audio tour, the museum would pay a nominal annual fee. In either case, all costs for app development and cloud infrastructure, etc. are the responsibility of ReadyDocent.

We believe Ready Docent greatly benefits both the guest and the museum, with no downside. Please contact us with any questions or comments. We're eager to get you set up with your own audio tours.

Please take a look at this bried video that introduces some of the features a guest might experience using Ready Docent.